„Reasons for hope“- cine´- onu

The United Nations Information Service hosted the famous Jane Goodall documentary, in close cooperation with the British Embassy and with the support of the United Nations Environment Programme. An event by Cine-Onu in Vienna emphasized the economic and environmental importance of our agriculture.

Jane Goodall an ethnologist and environmentalist discovered different sources that needed to be worked on more properly. She studied chimpanzees in Africa and traveled around the globe to save animals and the natural world in general. Jane Goodall shares her personal experiences with civil society, media and holds presentations on this topic. Precisely like this, the panelists shared their field of knowledge to the audience.

Martin Nesirky(moderator), Diana Leizinger, Richard Cornford, Johannes Fritz, Maarten Hofmann

Moderator Martin Nesirky presented the four pillars of hope, which reflected the content of the documentary.
*the amazing human intellect
*the resilience of nature
*the power and dedication of young people and
*the indomitable human spirit.

This event was dedicated to Mother Earth Day and attracted a wide audience. After the panel discussion, a catalyst for networking and cultural exchange was open.

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